Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Enter into My Presence Where You Will Be Made Whole

Messages from Heaven Given to Beloved Shelley Anna


A Message from The Lord

Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, Elohim says,

Deceiving Spirits are all around you,whispering lies to mislead you , directing you down that broad path of destruction!

Come under My obidiance, and be sanctified where you will be made pure, with garments white as snow

Allow Me to wash away the filth of this world that has influenced your thoughts and clouded your judgement. Renew your minds with My Word. Enter into My Presence where you will be made whole.

I am calling you to prepare your hearts for that unknown hour of your departure.

I love you with an everlasting love that is unconditional.

Thus saith, The Lord.

A Message from Saint Michael The Archangel

As angelic feathers overshadow me I hear Saint Michael The Archangel say,

Celestial events are displayed as birth pains intensify

Signs in the sun, moon and stars, point to the fulfillment of The Word of God.

The Beginning of Sorrows has intensified,paving the way for the great tribulation where the wrath of God will be poured out.

Heaven and Earth travail in anticipation of The Lord’s Return.

Repent! Call upon The Name of The Lord,Jesus Christ and receive salvation this day,for the has become very late.

I stand ready to defend with My sword unsheathed and My shield always before you.

Thus saith, Your Watchful Defender.

Psalm 29:2

Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Source: ➥